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Starke Global – A Leap Ahead

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Welcome to Starke Global

The next step towards Sustainable Human Evolution…

‘Starke Global’, is an entity under the banner of ‘Starke’ which has been designed & integrated to exist and self sustain as an ‘Intra & inter learning hybrid interactive research platform & facility’. The reason behind building such a platform (in the form of a mobile application) is to propel the human civilization towards an evolution that is physically, mentally, economically, technologically and ecologically more sustainable.

In order to achieve this goal, ‘Starke Global’ is currently running several campaigns across 65+ categories with hundreds of sub-categories through which ‘a real-time reflection of the co-existence & functionality between beings, institutions, administration and enterprises at every level & across innumerable situations is being explained in a detailed yet interesting & interactive manner to the front-end users.’


Starke is an organisation providing ‘end to end business solutions’ under which we cater to the needs of clients from all professional backgrounds and provide services pertaining to their requirements. At Starke, we provide detailed structures to our clients which are designed strategically to ensure that the clients get the desired results through our services. Also, we are always keen on building such relations with our clients which are fruitful for both the organisations in the longer run.

With 90+ services under our belt, we can assertively say we provide the best in-class services and also have one of the widest range of services available in the industry.


Starke Global

Mission & Vision

The world has transformed drastically in the last two decades and if we look back in time, it is hard for a person to believe the technological growth that has been achieved. However, when the Covid-19 pandemic struck, it gave people time to realise that a lot of correction and improvisation is needed for a sustainable future. Climate change, hampered agricultural growth leading to dearth of food for many, financial instability are among the fierce opponents that humanity has to deal with apart from the pandemic.

When we talk about India, it has the second largest population in the world and despite its phenomenal advancements in the last two decades, the society has been battling the above mentioned problems along with few of our own in the form of unemployment, lack of sincerity towards the law in various forms and at different levels, mental health issues, etc.

Currently, we as a society will have not just have to work on materialistic development but also our intellectual growth else these problems could lead to unwarranted situations resulting in catastrophic damage to our civilisation and the planet. A more efficient and peaceful environment across the globe is the need of the hour which today is very much achievable with the presence of technology in the form of digital platforms.

Starke Global has been trying to be the aforementioned platform for spreading awareness, sharing knowledge and providing updated information for every individual, not just till the time of education but also throughout their life as learning & existence go hand in hand. It also contributes towards their evolution and the society on the whole. Now with the pandemic, we are more determined than ever to spread this entity and become a part of peoples’ lives where Starke Global can be the medium for intellectual learning without any distractions.

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